Todd's Story
Todd is the Founder/Owner of Todd’s Amazing Tours.
Todd joined the Military out of high school, spending 4 years in Germany at the height of the cold war. In 1989 he returned home, becoming a police officer with his local city. Starting his own retail motorcycle apparel business in 1999, Todd left police work to pursue his dream full-time.
After 12 highly successful years, Todd sold his company, taking some well deserved time off.
It didn’t take long before Todd started checking a few things off his bucket list.
- Gold dredging in Washington State – CHECK
- Skydiving – CHECK
- Real Estate investing – CHECK
- Professional Race Car license – CHECK
It was a busy couple of years.

THE START – As part of running his motorcycle apparel business, Todd had the opportunity to use several private car companies. While he saw many areas for improvement, Todd never gave the industry much thought.
As fate would have it, during dinner with friends, Todd volunteered to drop-off his buddies in-laws at the airport early the next morning. The experience was Todd’s first, however his passengers were seasoned private car experts. Once at the airport, Todd was talked into a second ride. Those first passengers felt Todd had something to offer the industry, spurring further investigation.
After experiencing the market first hand, Todd became passionate about improving the PRIVATE CAR experience.
Like many of his Clients, Todd values true commitment and professionalism, something he felt could be improved. Todd quickly came to the reality that:
Just about anyone can drive a car, but few drive safely.
Many can show up at a location, but few on time.
Like in his private life, he had many friends, but only a few were truly dependable. Todd made it his mission to provide trust, dependability and integrity to the private car market.
TOURS (2016) – Todd’s local business began to grow rapidly; with many Guests returning on their next visit.
The TOURS part of Todd’s business started much like the Company began; with a simple question…
Todd started helping an AMAZING Guest, who happened to be a dentist attending advanced training in the Scottsdale area. She had made arrangements to take her office staff on a plane to the Grand Canyon. As luck would have it, bad weather canceled the flight. Not wanting to miss the opportunity, she called Todd. Up to this point Todd had never taken Guests outside the Phoenix Valley. After having an AMAZING time, Todd set to work to do more.
In 2018, over 80% of Todd’s company focus is on conducting over 1000 tours a year.